Senator Katie Britt Blasts Democrat ‘Summer of Scare Tactics,’ Affirms Support for Continued Nationwide Access to Contraception

June 4, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C., June 4, 2024 – U.S. Senator Katie Britt (R-Ala.) this week delivered a speech on the Senate floor ahead of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s partisan show vote on Democrats’ so-called Right to Contraception Act, which is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5.

As Senator Britt emphasized, Democrats’ continued “Summer of Scare Tactics” messaging is deliberate, false fearmongering and a purely political exercise aimed at confusing and misleading voters ahead of November. Senator Britt continues to lead Senate Republicans in supporting women, strengthening families, and building a comprehensive culture of life through efforts including the MOMS Act and the IVF Protection Act.

A transcript of Senator Britt’s remarks can be found below:

This week, my colleagues across the aisle will start their ‘Summer of Scare Tactics.’

Unfortunately, this is continuing the campaign of fearmongering we’ve already seen.

Contraception is available in every state across the nation.

And, of course, I want to be absolutely, 100% clear, that I support continued nationwide access to contraception.

But that’s not the purpose of the bill my colleagues across the aisle are bringing to the floor on Wednesday.

Once again, the bill tramples on foundational religious liberty protections that have long been bipartisan – and truly should remain bipartisan.

And my colleagues across the aisle know that.

The goal of my Democrat colleagues right now is to scare the American people, to scare women across our great nation.

It’s not that they believe there is a problem they’re truly trying to solve. They’re prioritizing their own short-term partisan political interests.

Sadly, this only does a disservice to the very families and the very women we should be trying to find common ground to help.

We saw the false fearmongering with the MOMS Act.

We’ve already seen it with issues like IVF.

Just like with nationwide access to contraception, I want to make it clear that Republicans support continued nationwide access to IVF.

I look forward to discussing this more next week, as unfortunately my Democratic colleagues will continue their ‘Summer of Scare Tactics.’

The Republican Party is the party of families, and we’re going to continue fighting to support the rights and freedoms of families across America.

I yield the floor.


